Market Update – April 15, 2006

Good afternoon readers,

Spring is busting through the snowpack here in Crested Butte. As the temperature rises we’re experiencing the real estate market coming out of winter earlier and faster than expected. There was $53 million worth of real estate sold during the first 4 months of 2006 (86 transactions). The number of active listings is 241 – over $ 163 million worth of real estate. This number is high due to the number of condos – 122 units – for sale on Mt. Crested Butte.

Land under 10 acres saw a lot of activity – 35 parcels were sold at a volume over $12 million.

Here is a synopsis of Crested Butte real estate activity for the north end of our valley including Crested Butte, rural Crested Butte, Mt. Crested Butte, rural Mt. Crested Butte, Irwin and Crested Butte South for the first 4 months of 2006:

January 1, 2006 – April 15, 2006    
Crested Butte Real Estate Market Data     
Type of Property



Avg. Price

Median Price

Single Family  28 $31,881,000 $1,138,607 $849,000
Condo/Townhome 122 $60,768,199 $498,100 $362,250
Multifamily 6 $5,929,000 $988,167 $1,195,000
Land < 10 acres 84 $63,687,000 $758,179 $719,000
Land > 10 acres 1 $845,000 $845,000 $8,450,000
Total 241 $163,110,199    
Type of Property



Avg. Price

Median Price

Single Family  27 $29,834,500 $1,104,981 $768,500
Condo/Townhome 21 $9,357,600 $445,600 $435,000
Multifamily 1 $421,500 $421,500 $421,500
Land < 10 acres 35 $12,681,700 $362,334 $294,000
Land > 10 acres 2 $1,192,000 $596,000 $596,000
Total 86 $53,487,300    

Thanks for visiting today!

Channing Boucher